Sunday, September 5, 2010


...this blog.

I've given myself a goal - a personal best: to read/listen to 100 books from July 2010 to July 2011.
I must admit I stole the idea from the "Julie" in Julia and Julie, the young woman who blogged about making one of Julia Childs' recipes every day for a year.

I never read the book but I did see the movie and although I loved Julia, I thought Julie was a bit of a self-absorbed whiner who was lucky to have a husband who allowed her a lot...a lot of emotional latitude.

Therefore, I revive this blog with the caveat: I will NOT be lying on the floor in the middle of a dozen books, having an emotional meltdown. I MAY take off June 2011 in order to meet my goal - we'll see. we go...

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