Impact is one of the best thrillers I've listened to/read this year.
Douglas Preston hits this one out of the park...actually somewhat further...but I don't want to give anything away.
I was listening to Impact as I drove down the Northeast Extension of the PA turnpike and tried to guide my car from being in one of seven lanes, into being in one of two lanes. I was on my way to a work-related meeting - a meeting that was NOT pleasant in its message and I couldn't wait to get back in the car to listen to the story.
Listening to Preston Douglas or Lincoln Child or a Douglas/Child book is a tutorial in writing the thriller. I say "listening" because listening gives me, as a writer, a deeper sense of how to move the action.
Going to Amazon now to see if I've missed one of his/his/their books.
But I doubt it.
Preston Douglas rocks and Preston Douglas and Lincoln Child rock!!!
Can you tell I'm a huge, huge fan?
Affordable Care Act Upheld Today!
12 years ago
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